Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Impetigo When Is Hospitalization Needed
Back in Madrid.
It 's weird, it's as if I'd never gone away. The days in Italy were suspended inside a parenthesis of reality - this . The only time it was really intense when I saw the view from the terrace of the beloved Spirit: my city I had never seemed so beautiful.
one thing is certain: how desperately I miss the mountains. Having a nearby forest is crucial for me. I never lived so far away from the corner of naturaleza and I feel that something is missing. Everything is too artificial to think that we can years resist the smell and the silence of the woods.
recall with nostalgia a poignant that whole summer night spent watching the sky slowly faded in the day ... and the clearing mist that rained from larch sleepy. I was so excited that I did not even cold. The forest seemed to call me with a whisper thin despertarse - verb qué tan bonito! - And I enjoyed those moments as a nymph underground.
Now that winter is going to the mountains I do not miss demasiado, to walk hours on the ice, only to get into a warm shelter and give me a hot bath while it's snowing outside ... dine in a dressing gown (game, cheese, good wine Quizas) and toast the new year in front of the fireplace wearing only champagne.
Vale, this is a fantasy a bit 'more refined than the true spirit of mountain, I left drag instinct quota - and had a brief chat recently with my boyfriend. But deep down, I realize that more and more the years go by the mountain attracts me like a siren. Here at home, fortunately we have some 'wood, parquet, las vigas ... but it is not, of course, the same thing. Already I'm shuddering to climb up on some green grass or trail next summer, and listen to the thrills of the woods at dawn or the arrogance of the wind on lonely ridges. I almost like a premonition, I feel a bit of desire to climb. But this will also of the courage that do not currently have. If the prospect
then thins and squinting to see farther, well ... there is a house whose chimney smoke in winter, and a small garden (least!) with a bed, on which he leans on a balcony overlooking a room large enough for a sofa, a cot and a cat.
When I think back to me many years ago, I wonder how my dreams have changed. Today I feel that after the trip I want to take me away, the strongest desire is to return, to stop and grow. They are like a seed that vague with the breeze and knows that his destiny is to take root, even if you miss the flight.
When I was sixteen and I was a shadow shrank almost everything, the thought of motherhood made me disgusted, embarrassed. Bring a stranger within me screaming from which then would depend on my whole life seemed an aberration with no appeal. Now continues to seem that, because basically have not changed much ... but in the meantime of attractions it has acquired a bit '.
Nothing in the world is stronger feelings for someone. They can be fleeting, they may end, may not be as deep as we thought, but when there are no job satisfaction or cultural recognition that can compete. This awareness is what is directing my choices hare some time. First aspired to a certain kind of visibility, I had dreams of glory, if I may say so ... Now I fear he would do for me. I open like a flower only if I feel love around me, and I give it. Everything else is subordinated to this.
Perhaps my weakness is, wanting the love of others is sometimes referred to lack of love for oneself. But I know that there is a balance in the flow of the two feelings, and I want to reach. I want to grow children and show them what I believe is right and good because one day they can do the same with anyone encounter on their journey. I wonder if I want because I am not able myself to live up to my principles. Maybe for us humans to have children is also a way to make good parents that we had in those (for me) little things that we missed ... and is a dangerous illusion, because our children will not be like us and not want what we want.
Maybe you want a child when our choices seem to us now made, and its yet to come, a child is the wildcard that is ours when all other occasions they have had (and perhaps lost) their time.
Even for a small part of me is so, but then, paranoia aside, I suppose that the desire for motherhood is basically a physiological ancestral heritage, that a quarter of a century is hard to ignore despite the current laxity of our procreative rich North-West.
Finally, puede que mi madre me dijo cuando tuviera Razón that once you have found the right person I started to want to live together, make us the children and so on. I do not know if the current one is the right person, but I know what I feel about her makes me wish that my children are also his.
course before all this I must see the world, as they say. There are still too many places where I have not set foot, from the rest of the continents on the planet. I have yet to see South America, St. Petersburg, Ayers Rock, a lesser panda in its natural habitat ... and then there's the British island, Budapest, Istanbul and sophisticated to return to Berlin. My children will know that the more places you visit and how many more conoscono culture if both più ricchi if indietro turner - what desiderino che semper. Is sono anche più nulla che ancora un'idea, spero per loro già che, oltre ad essere sani e felici, nascano stesso con il mio desiderio di volare , e delle forti per farl food.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Swollen Elbow, Fell On It
Così has chiamato il mio padre suo nuovo cellulare, e così adesso sono anch'io. Italy
air smells like it's colder than Madrid. Sleeping in my bed is like a dream, and yet I am lost, I feel do not belong to nowhere, and no home is mine. Maybe I have not one yet ... and I miss him.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Best Cruise Line For 40age Group
weeks from now I'm reading My Name is Red , destroy, inter alia, for not being able to read the language because I believe that the very particular style of Pamuk is also due to the properties of a language I do not know at all - I hope not inability of the translator. By the way, besides being an excellent book noir, is also an interesting food for thought over views .
We are halfway through the fifteenth century. One of the characters, talking about the differences between local and Venetian painting, he says something like this: They paint what they see, we design what we watch . It made me think.
distort the rules of perspective the flat plane of the canvas for us to deceive to get in front of a scene realistic, plausible Aunque not necessarily look at the logic or rationality. The pictorial tradition of the West Classic is a slave of the illusion of credibility to reach sensory, in sharp contrast with the support you need. In other words, is a total nonsense.
The miniature, on the contrary, it is the elegance of line and beauty of color to give shape to what he wants to represent. The subject is subordinate to painting, and painting work to shape the will of God without sin of pride.
So in summary: If the modern Western painting stems from the desire impossible to counter his two-dimensional nature, the thumbnail is a continual struggle between East represent the most of what Allah has created never compete with him in creative ability.
The two pictorial traditions are therefore of a similar nature: a fight, a non-sense, a hubris of the senses and mind. Because art is always a challenge to ourselves.
Does Snap Cover Birthday Cakes?
Yesterday I discovered a film that seems a little gem of animation contemporary is titled The Secret of Kells , and is a Franco-Irish Agreement of 2009. He won the Annecy Film Festival and another series of awards that do not remember.
seeing the trailer, I smile automatically thinking about the luck I've had the courses at the University of Bendazzi. Without them, I would not have the foggiest idea how to juggle in a world so interesting and dynamic as the animation, which is the last frontier of cinema - I agree with prof. in the belief that the cinema of the future will be a mixture between the true and fair entertainment.
the little I saw of The Secret of Kells, I thought that maybe it's a bit 'too much toward a certain type of television production for children (such Powerpuff Girls), and the animation at times is probably slightly dismissive (but there must also be said that the last animated film I saw was a Miyazaki, and then maybe I'm still influenced by its natural flow) other than that, the backgrounds are of a beauty moving, and the definition of the characters just as lively imagination of a child.
Also, I find brilliant and innovative hyper in some scenes perspective is totally neglected by the relevance of visual elements: I remember in particular a point at which two characters in profile, with a coating more or less up to them , and the floor on which they rest is perfectly seen from above, to show the beautiful inlays.
The graphic style is wonderful as the pure expression of the imaginative process: the memory, vision, daydream, in short everything we can see with the mind does not necessarily take into account laws Renaissance perspective, and probably that's why when we dream we would not know really draw our dreams - even providing a technique worthy of Dali.
I started writing this a few days ago, after seeing the film just a bit above. Now I've seen it all, and when it is finished I wanted to restart it because it seemed not to have fully grasped.
I mean, even if the graphics and animation are perhaps the most enjoyable I have ever seen, the stories told are not easy to hook. The story begins in the fourth, adventure, epic, with all the typical elements of the bildungsroman for boys, but then changes, it becomes an almost metaphysical "adagio" narrative that leaves a bit 'perplexed and vaguely dissatisfied. On reflection
cold, in fact, this closure is rich in meaning: Brendan is the hope that girl is saved by a barbaric slaughter to preserve their culture - a fragile and valuable book. When he discovers that the Chi-Ro page, the page most beautiful of all, has not yet been filled, never imagined that he will do so - as we already accept the tacit suggestion. But like all heroes who are respected, Brendan must pass a test before they can begin the book, and in this case the evidence is facing a pagan god, Crom Cruach a cross between a snake and what would a computer virus if he had form. Aisling, tender fairy Brendan driving in the forest and warns him frightened Crom also killed his mother. It means that before the forest had been destroyed by a profound evil, and then reborn with / in the same spirit of Aisling?
Whatever the reason, the clash is one of the most spectacular and significant scenes of the film wrapped in a dark fetid, humid, Brendan blinds and defeat the monster hits of none other than chalk.
The entire film is based on the power of design: and as often happens in works of a certain level, it is a meta-film that celebrates the beauty and creative power of the mind, language, as opposed to violence with no face or soul of the invaders in search of gold (there would have to say that the "Vikings" were not so completely unpresentable, but the point here is not the supremacy of one culture over 'other).
Perhaps it is no coincidence that the director Tomm Moore has used old-school animation, as if to preserve a method now almost "traditional" than the three-dimensional techniques now in vogue. And the result is impressive: one and a quarter of pure beauty that not only wipes out almost a century of supremacy Disney iconography, but reopen the battle between digital and 3D, suggesting new possibilities of expression and narrative-a sweetness unparalleled graphics.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Grown Man Has Wet Dreams
I choose to live and
to Grow, take and give and
to Move, learn and love and
to Cry, kill and die and to Be paranoid and to
Lie, hate and fear and
to Do What it Takes to move through.
I choose to live and to
Lie, kill and give and
to Die, learn and love and to
Do What it Takes to step through.
If love and hate are two sides of a coin, love should be a sphere in which both penetrate no sharp or dangerous edges. Yo
going sigue sobre a disk de hierro que se Acaba de enmohecer.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Descarga De Pokemon Frigo Retunrs
Acabo de ver Goya's Ghosts, Milos Forman's .
I expected something very different from a culebrón remains under pompous, and certainly I expected a film about Goya (Stellan here in the role of Starksgård , bonitissimo actor). In fact, for once, the translators have been right: in the Italian film called Goya's Ghosts , far more appropriate title according to those who really makes the protagonist.
Of course, wanting to be fussy even necessary to say that Bardem equally divided the stage with Natalie Portman , and in fact, often she is to capture all the attention, even if the script is not on his side.
The fact is that, although spectacularly a real tribute to the art of Goya (for both citations for extreme realism - and so abhorrent - which he imbued the whole film), really do not understand very well that pasta is done. It is not a meatloaf to Dumas, it is not an intimate drama, documentary and not a social or, finally, worst of all, not even a good mixture of everything. Too bad, because the cast was all there, and the accuracy spectacular as well. It 's just that lacks overall density: Father Lorenzo shows off his usual shady charm (also supported by an incredible voice), but there is a character up to expectations, while Goya is definitely a human surrogate who never takes a position as you would expect from a star. Against this background the film should be titled Goya's Ghost, pace of the illusions of all. Add
but at least one figure stands out from the trio in precarious support of story, and that is the exclusion of Inés. When aged and defeat is so distressing that every time I saw her smile, I cried. That is, I have a soft spot for Natalie Portman, but besides being a striking beauty also has an undeniable talent, and loves the goal. Even so (realistically) is ugly and smashed both expressive and fragile that you can not believe his pain.
this film if only taught me that I would be a bad lesbian, because the power of feminine tenderness (albeit fake), I always win. Maldita sea.
PS I was joking. About the movie, I mean, because reading is important: the film is a metaphor for botched idealism broken (belief in God and / or social and political progress is simply a means to manipulate the mass) and machismo that has lasted for centuries in the "civilized" societies: Ines is the first daughter, mother and lover and finally denied. Perhaps, who knows, it might essere nonna. Ma è purtroppo ormai più logico pensare che la sua sia sprofondata mind in un'oppiacea Follia really che non permette di collegarsi you alla realtà - e che fa di lei, a tutti gli effetti, a ghost dolce.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Difference Between Acrylic And Polyester
Yesterday I had my first class Burlesque. O
porlomeno and thought.
Indeed, it was more a kind of cabaret jazz, which had to Bali as if we were dolls. In addition, our teacher told us that this dance is a dance wrist, in the sense of pulse. So ... I can not believe my first English-language pun!
Vale, Quito.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Pimped Disability Scooter
Well well well. Yet another theft attempt - this time foiled. The type seemed more afraid of me, poor fellow.
As usual, I was shaking with anger for the privacy violated, but discover that she had taken a poor mirror disturbed me even more. I thought you literally had to hand a thief who tried to kill my stuff I'd be pissed off triple. Instead see his face, his embarrassment, his miserable condition, was enough to freeze the anger. If we find out something that took me maybe I will get back incazzatura (: P), but for now I am more sorry for him than for me. What a life. Having
house on the other hand is wonderful, and our home is hermosisima . A duplex with hardwood floors, exposed beams and a fantastic skylight above the bed that filters the night and gives on the belfry of a Roman church opposite. Obviously not ever pull the curtain, and indeed I find it rather divertido that God will bless my skirmishes en la cama.
I can not wait to try the oven and make a tiramisu, but tragically this week will be full of translations at the last second, as early as Friday I delivered my first trabajo wrote. No.
Those who talk of Spain as the place par excellence for a festive Erasmus did not study at Complutense. In Italy with foreign students are much milder. Here the bibliography overflows, e in molti programmi che è il specificate trattamento sarà per gli Erasmus the same as for the others.
However, nothing happens. I wanted to come here and want to stay.
I fantasmi, vecchi e nuovi, while back. Li Scaccia perché Portaña to know rabbia, amarezza, acute Punto di rimorso. I Can not Afford Them. Li hatred. So che dovrei considerarli come imparare a parti di me e basta, Invece li rigetto. Non posso essere anche così. A volte la Follie my stacca parti di cervello to Morsi, and a immobilizzante disagio not let me sleep, eat or live. I can only think, and think it is very bad for me.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How To Adjust Steam Radiator
One morning my girlfriend asked me to look up inet if it had dropped the government. I said that, bad as they are informed of the facts, maybe I would be good to see some 'what happens in my frantic boot, although I miss her. I never would have thought, but when you are away is silly really comforting to have a culture whereby you know you can come back. At least for me. But in the end.
I quickly saw this article. E. What does hours * optional *? That is, instead of thinking about how to make our schools less badly managed it is, we cut obligations left and right?! As if a glimmer of discipline was too hard to maintain. And we're not Italians tend to be much disciplined, if not a duty is imposed on us from above.
short, panic. Rather than educate better, you do not. We are just unfortunate.
Brent Corrigan Brent Everrett / watch
I found a soundtrack of this Erasmus. Not phenomenal, but will belong forever to this day. He is
David Garrett, a sort of child prodigy Central Europe that, despite the vulgar photos on disc has done justice to Louis much many pedants conductors. A Beethoven would have liked - why Beethoven is the first artist in the history of modern music prog.
Council tambien his version of "Who wants to live forever", although very refined ears (I assume) does not effectively replace the power of a battery. I never understood why the children of the academy are so unwilling to make use of percussion. De todas las maneras
Mah, enjoy.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thank You Notes For Pastor After Funeral
Walking through the Barrio de las Letras, I have often wondered how it would live there, in one of those great houses large balconies, verandas sort of style Liberty overlooking the passers-by.
Now I know.
I did not think that one of my roommates there was never even a grand piano, and instead I had to change my mind. Just a shame not to know to play.
I awake every morning stretching under a crystal chandelier in the nineteenth century sparkle in the sun, half-blind I turn to look for a familiar body, still unconscious, I just touch it closes in a warm embrace. Then I close my eyes again, postponing the sun for a while '. Mraw .
Miele part ... a couple of days ago I was near Plaza Mayor, and I stopped to wait novio and mother-in-law in the street where did flamenco. At first I was bored a bit ': there was only a growling guitar chords and a singer whose chilly vocals were lost in the crowd. I was about to leave when she appeared . A slim figure and slim has left the stool where he was resting, dismissed the bun to the top of the head and started to beat his hands slightly, moving in time.
I was impaled in the middle of the street to watch her dance to the last shot of clam. I wished that my eardrums stretched to swallow, so to be a sensitive carpet on which I would put every dance step. Beautiful above the eyes, as thick as chocolate and lively as that gave the shivers ... I clinked my heart at her feet, one of the few currencies that distracted through the cast.
I wondered what was the boundary between art and sensuality, passion and contemplation: she was a human being and also a summary of all forms of sensible beauty.
In the end I left only a few thousand sighs and tears, unable to pay the price of my emotions. A few cents would have offended the crack in his heart that a simple wrist shot gave me.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Marvel Legends Deadpool 2010
Última noche en La Casa. The echaré de menos. Mucho de menos.
Although I do not know what to do, I feel good tonight. For us it is a nightmare night more than anyone else, yet are deeply happy. I'm happy because they are full of cuddles and love. My mother telling me tomava el hair that we would two hearts and a hut ... and the funny thing is that it does. For years I dreamed such a thing. Years. I could not wait to happen, and at one point simply is . Without me even noticing it. The classic dream come true ...
Or rather, it begins.
In these evenings of final de octubre, when the tourists do not play at night and / or chills olvido concerns and the one between the arms, I and my better half we found a television series that is not bad already become one of my favorites of all time: Lie to me.
Initially I was not enthusiastic. The first episode seemed to me rather a bit 'too pompous. Not that the later they were not, however, the interpretation of Tim Roth began to fascinate me more and more (his dirty british, mmmh ... - is Irish?) And I realized that I could provide three quarters endings - "stop spoiler, c##*!!!" .
short, it turned out that I afectada, and now I can no longer do without. Foolishly dream to do a job similar to his. After all, I have always been an observer, and there are certain nuances that hardly escape me (purtroppo. Sometimes it would be better not to see and enjoy the illusion). It seems silly, but seeing that series, which also lies behind the huge size of the main characters all the flaws of a rather dull script, I realized that I behave the same way. I look like from behind a protective barrier, and I read other before reacting to them. It is a process that I've never been able to stop, and that over the years has become increasingly aware - but not, unfortunately, less uncontrollable. Last night I told my boyfriend that actually, despite my weaknesses and fears, I'm with him because I could not lie to me, and that if he did, I'd notice.
One day, weeks ago, my mother had seemed strange because a couple of messages that had sent me, not much different from usual but with a shade more sad than tired ... after a while I discovered that my grandmother had almost had a heart attack, and not until I was told there was nothing to worry about.
If I love someone, every inflection is known as a pentagram on my mind. Impressed me in with relentless clarity, and almost never wrong interpretation (unless it is courting or the like, in that case take over shyness and insecurity that bust all values).
I think I know every muscle in the face of my boy, every yawn embarrassed detecting any itching. Very often closes his body: the fists tense, his arms are crossed, his shoulders shaking. Almost never see him relaxed, almost never leaves a sweetly haunting my embrace without various and often futile tasks distract from abandoning the ... but perhaps this is one reason why his rare drop has so much power over me. Sometimes I wish the whole world saw with my own eyes, to enjoy pleasure it gives me panic. There is no moment of passion or rapture cuddly that I did not seize unprepared for the reaction of my body to his. It's like magic ... more: it is chemistry. You alchemy. Since trivially
girl dream to love and be loved with such intensity that you give to a person's life really, is the feverish desire for living and for his lack of fear unbearable. I've never had so much sweetness, so much desire and deep sharing by anyone in the world. No one who really knew everything about me without fled, and from which I was enchanted to the point where they can live with all its bumps (for me it is not obvious: I am a capricious and idealistic person. Few times in life to make compromises, principle and laziness). I like him so much that it almost does not seem real.
If I learned anything in recent times, however, is that spread a mantle of Disney sequins on a dirt road does not make much sense, unless you want dust and let it all at the mercy of the moths, then I will try, as far as my nature will allow me to decadent romantic, not to idealize reality. (And I'm already breaking the connection, writing and conceptualizing!)
Además, love maybe you could define a formula, no human relationships. A sequoia tree becomes not whether the age-old seed grows in the wrong, although it was "destined" to be a spectacle of nature - as well as a reed plane can never be even habitat more conciliatory.
Once a friend of mine told me shaking my head that my relationship was like a crazy horse. He was right, but the times I suffered because I was trying to put the reins on something that I could not (or I should want to) tame. At the end of fatigue and why I won, I stopped fighting, and left with the memory of something sublime melancholy but I had to resign myself to leave.
resign is critical to understand. Move away, move away to understand what addiction is and what love and choose a healthy middle ground (because the two pure elements can not be in a relationship you want a long and stable). I left the space pretending with ferocity, and this level voltages and distances. It took strength (or unconsciousness, or both), but it worked. And it worked because I did not need that worked. And now I'm here I can talk about, dazed with happiness, because I feel like a teenage ingenue who wants to fill the hearts of his diary.
We are what we are; impure and confused. The furrows on our time leaves and bark at the same time increases, the pain disturbs us, but we would not know without joy. Most importantly, we control our own life is an illusion, ridiculous. And rowing against this granite is actually like to go blind gradually.
Let go. Suelta. Carpe diem and do not think (well, at least not too much). I just have to hope to be able to build more and better and better. And to get lucky. Nada más.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
43 Wedding Anniversary Card Free
long as you have one, if you do not do what is important. From there simply taken for granted.
Then just do not have a fixed roof over his head a few days to begin to wonder how many steps separate us from the beggar who hangs boca Metro, whose life, if we ever stopped to think about it, has always been so.
I found that very little is enough to pull that apparently lives should not have anything in common. And in that moment, when things you gave for granted begin to falter, that you wonder what you are malleable, which is really the limit, and ultimately whether the limits really exist.
Sin embargo,
Madrid fills me with lifeblood. Wake up every morning with a warm ray of sunshine on the cheek is a luxury that I thought existed only in Disneyland. Our Buhardilla from this point of view is perfect ... the perfect house in the perfect city. And with no neighbors to reclaim the noises at night, especially.
Let it pains me, especially because I am convinced that we do not take care of it properly. It could be the apartment of dreams and unfortunately is left to itself: no maintenance, no love, no that the living as it should. We could if we had stayed longer. So I think it would be worth it to take care of her.
I will miss as a person.
Being here I feel that my brain opens like a flower in the laboratory. Experimenting with a new language, it must unfold as quickly as not to miss anything that could be used socially.
In fact, they are forced to beg in different words and fumbling Sentidos . Fortunately, the training (or trend) to listen carefully to the voices of others is teaching me something that no manual of grammar I have ever found so far, namely the relationship between someone's voice and his native language. The Castilian (especially women) tend to have a low tone, but very clean. Hard to find here a girl who squeals like the Anglophone (U.S. sobretodo), or words that seem to drain as they do French and German (which sounds to me are muy parecidos, or rather, they require a similar approach for speech signals - that being said I prefer the aural troubles). The English spoken by lifting the chin, and their voices are supported in the neck and sternum: spreading them in the chest clean and clear, and arrives at the listener purified of all the uncertainty. Even the voices are hoarse more clarity - and I hear it a lot, because the tone is more bass vibrates with small imperfections and delicious. I knew a the transcendent beauty girl whose voice, in harmonious accord with her, she Interference in pappa sandy send me your ears every time I listen.
I thought with a tinge of regret that it would be absurd to listen to the beautiful Italian without knowing it, to feel just like playing . Foreigners who have asked what they think I have answered all of my tongue like a song. Entonces, Italian is the language of the song. Pretentious and absolutist, but I like to bask in that luxury concept.
E 'statement with no real weight, but I think I would love this language even if it was not mine. Or perhaps above all for that.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mickie James
I do not know where to start. Without thinking too much about, I'd say he did not expect exactly the atmosphere I had imagined him.
E 'living as fine as Rome and Vienna, and most lovingly is hot. Is there really an enveloping warmth, soft, intense but never unbearable. Hermoso.
just a shame he had begun badly among obese cases and wallets stolen enthusiasm has had a pretty busy to maintain the highest levels.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
How Do You Masterbate In The Shower
SEX And Was Always There When I Was from only eight years - tempting me
leaving me thirsty Sweat, skin, a PULSE divine to balance this restless MIND - it Seems so wonderfully physical
Oh the BLOOD, the lust, the bodies that color the world: all drugs to die for!
Won't you share my fire?
How can LOVE make that world a minefield of forbidden GROUND?
A map of untouchable skin and SILENCED desire?
And love was there in vain, PROFOUND and deep but traced with pain - too early for a child of TEN
Loving the pure and sane I sought the goddesses unstained - watching them turn to flesh again
HUNGRY for both the PURITY and SIN
Life seemed to me merely like a GALLERY of how to be
And he was always much HUMAN than he wished to be
But there is a LOGIC to my world, if they could only see
Wishing - Sickened - I'll - Ticking
SOMEONE still this hunger (it's in my blood) always growing stronger (ticking)
BUDAPEST I'm learning, Budapest you're burning me
This is not who I wanted to be, this is not what I wanted to see
She's so young so why don't I feel free now that she is here under me?
Naked- Touching - Soft - Clutching
And then after all it lead me here to wake up again
Seeking a love that might make me feel free in myself but then it proves to be
Something that hurts inside when we touch, so I move on, I lose my way
Astray I'm trying too much to feel unchained, to burn out this sense of feeling cold
And every day I seek my prey: someone to taste and to hold
I feel alive during the split second when they smile and meet my eyes
But I could cry 'cause I feel broken inside!
COME and DROWN with me- the UNDERTOW will sweep us away!
And you will see that I'm ADDICTED to my HONESTY
Trust! 'Cause after all my sense of TRUTH once caught me here
But I've LOST control and I don't know if I am true to my soul
I've lost CONTROL and I don't know if I am true to my soul
Losing control and I don't know if I am TRUE AT ALL
And we were always much more human than we wished to be...
And I remember when you said you've been UNDER him - I was suprised to feel such pain
And all those years of being faithful to YOU despite the hunger flowing through my veins
And I have always tried to calm things down - SWALLOW down swallow down
It's just another small THORN in my crown
But suddenly one day there was just too much blood in my eyes, and I had to take this WALK down
REMEDY LANE of whens and whys...
Empty - Licking - Clean - Choking
SOMEONE still hunger (possessing my mind) always growing stronger (craving)
BUDAPEST I'm learning, Budapest I'm burning me
This is not who I wanted to be, this is not what I wanted to see
She's so young so why I don't feel free now that she's under me?
In the morning she's going away in a Budapest taxi I've paid
Seeking freedom I touched the untouched - it's too much - I'm BEYOND THE PALE...
Prematurity is the story of both you and me, and we were always much more human than we wished to be
Prematurity is truly the story of both you and me, and we were always much more human than we wished to be
We were always much more human than we wished to be - we were always much more human than we wished to be
We will always be much more human than we wish to be
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Manhattan Web Cam Installer
Saramago è stato dunque un uomo e un intellettuale di nessuna ammissione metafisica, nailed to the last in his stubborn belief in historical materialism, Marxism alias. Autocollocatosi clearly on the side of the evangelical cornfield weeds, declared sleepless at the thought of the Crusades or the Inquisition, forgetting the memory of the gulag, the "purges" of genocide, cultural and religious samizdat.
I quote from an article by Claudio Toscani (Osservatore Romano) on José Saramago, one of the biggest names in contemporary European literature.
I state that I speak out of turn, not knowing that even a journalist and writer, to whom I can only remember only the incipit de The Stone Raft, left too early because I had no suitable concentration to addentrarmici. That said, I can not outraged by the article, however well written, an extremist accusation of extremism and to conceal the conviction of being right. I wonder, sincerely curious why some Catholics (usually those at the top, evidently the Eye of God up there can not see them) they automatically own the attributes of divinity adored - and here ricito Toscani order: omnipotence, omniscience, all-seeing . What then, I enjoy knowing how the followers of any sect can put God and science in the same sentence, where the latter is subject to the first.
annoys me, discomfort, DISCOMFORT that as an educated person should definitely be this cynical reviewer, is cast with such ferocity against an author on certain measurable yardsticks much more relevant to the metaphysical approach existence , regardless of his poetry, even by his fluency.
Why, Mr. Toscani, did not speak particularly of this, without omitting even the negative reviews? Do not you think that a criticism of style, talent, and ultimately the work of a lifetime, even if the limit dell'insofferenza would was a much more worthy epitaph? Not to mention that we're all sad to hear the various ambassadors of different ideologies now dead or almost every opportunity to blast each other's wrongs: you had Torquemada, they had Stalin, you Boniface VIII and their Mengele ... I have done this but you've done that one, Gne Gne campaigns. Well, enough, for god - yes, the your God, do it for him if not for me. Grow, dammit, evolvetevi if you want to save face to your Thinking otherwise closed mouth and pen in your pocket, you do more than look good.
So simplistic, inappropriate and indeed I found her child belabor partisan issues, as they say, as long as you are leaving, and then just waste. It is a pity that with each passing day it is found as the great Dante had been wrong: the high ball of the Catholic religion are not much less celestial celestial, but dense black smoke that the next boss will look good from clear, (for once) in spite of the rite.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
How Much Does Nadia Bjorlin Weight
I Used To Have an LJ Inglese, a long time in August For the first time in years, today I'm on my Inglese mood again, so I'll try to write That Way. This afternoon
We had Our first rehearsal for a little Pink Floyd tribute we're gonna play for my parents. Well, for my dad , in fact; he is the hopeless addicted.
Rehearsal was pretty good, but one more time my enthusiasm had turned into a delusion, finding myself totally unprepared and most of all so, so reluctant to sing . I was just... frozen, unemotional.
My head constantly stops me, puts me backwards into my fears. You won’t do that, you can’t, your voice is still so out of control, so boring, so thin anyone wouldn’t listen to it - just because I wouldn’t. It’s so... colourless. Despite my feelings - ‘cause when I listen to everything, my first impulse is to sing it, and I don’t feel satisfied until I “take possession” for vocals, or melody - my voice refuse to let itself go. Freud would maybe say Your way of singing is just as your life approach , but it’s not very helpful.
It’s all a matter of immaturity and shyness. If I’d like my voice, I’d spread it out loud, full of energy and joy. But when it’s time to do it, I simply cannot. Even when I listen to young and very good singers who have keen but beautiful voices, I think mine won’t ever become so pure and well controlled: I am too fragile and strengthless. My midriff gets tired in a moment, and I don’t trust it enough to devolve my voice upon. Sometimes, when I sing alone at home, I think I’m on the right way, that now my voice is getting stronger and pure... but then I put myself on probation, and find I’m not so good. In fact, I’m not good at all, and I’m scared to discover I could never improve more than that.
Sometimes I can figure the voice as well as if it would be touched with hands; it’s kinda a soft, long ribbon that come out from the mouth, taking sort of a memory of the entire singer body. The ribbon is vivid, but it does not hurt, nor annoying; it’s rather so wrapping that you would let yourself lying into its embrace. But voice is also an idea, a body’s thought ; when it’s still inside, it’s like a plasticine, modelled by muscles and breath, that bounces jolly upon flesh and bones, before being sustained by the midriff, and by it given, with decision and gentleness, to ears and soul.
Singing it’s like stroking someone you love: you can’t do it with fear and concern, but you also have to be kind, gracious, and full of passion. This is the start, anyway; when things will get deeper, you can also be rough, hard, even merciless...
When I think about it, and I know I can feel so well the aim of singing, I cannot understand why I can’t be a singer at the same time. As it’s always been in my life, I have theory, but not practice.
Well, maybe I can’t sing also because I have not a style, and I think I don’t have a style because I’d love singing everything, from madrigali to rock, from folk to blues... I’ve just a taste and (I hope!) partiality for blues , but I wouldn’t really choose: it’s a waste of possibilities...
Indeed, today I’ve been worse than ever. Also the atmosphere was not the best , but I could have done lots better anyhow. I have to turn my brain off, or I will always be a singing lamer -______-
Next time I gotta drink a bit and/or feel more than I think . I know I have some sensitivity to music, it’s just... uneducated. Why can’t I turn it out?
Well, yes, today’s just a bad day. I am so thoughtful, and feel so lonely and disregarded... except for a songift from a good good friend of mine, and a sweet message from another one, and the memory of a third who’s not here anymore, to bring me such a wonderful emotion, like I’ve been hunged by the three of them together. I wept like a child.
Even worst days have a little ray of sun to light them up and make you curious to find how the next will be.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What Does The Size Numbers On A Motorcycle Mean
Yeah I bet you liked it a lot especially the ending! A grand finale episode.
Flash Sideways: In Flash we have the continuation of what had happened to Jin and Sun at the airport in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, money is not the declared will be confiscated and Jin had to bring them together to watch a person. Jin Sun is not married, but it's only his bodyguard! However, the two settle into a hotel and are still fans!
Keamy knocks on the door of their room and Jin is trying in the meantime he had hidden in the bathroom, also comes Omar finds Jin and made him sit next to the Sun, unfortunately, only two speak neither Korean nor Keamy Omar understand what he says and so I had to call an interpreter, Mikhail Bakunin, who translates every word of them explaining that they no longer have them to him because the money confiscated. So Keamy order to obtain the money and then separates and Sun Jin Sun must go to the bank to get money with Mikhail in while Jin is brought into the restaurant Keamy (where it is killed by Sayid in the episode 6x06) and imprison him in a closet. Keamy tells us that that money because the payment of Mr. Paik Jin hired to kill him. Apparently Mr. Paik had discovered the relationship between Jin and Sun, and this should not happen. Sun to the bank discovers that his father has Mikhail closed the account and then is forced to return to a restaurant. Then the shots of Sayid killing everyone and opened the closet is located in Jin, do not save at all say that gives him an object with which it can break free (a knife) and then run away. Mikhail Sun and enter the restaurant and saw the dead bodies and then Jin, who had been released, pulled a gun on the back of his head, Mikhail asks who did it, but Jin does not respond, so Mikhail says he can not ; Jin otherwise would have been already killed him without pointing a gun! The two end up making a furious quarrel, but Mikhail shoots the best that gives him the famous Jin eye injury! (E 'so that Mikhail lost his right eye, I was trying maybe xD) But be injured when Sun and Jin is forced Mikhail shoots her to the hospital and picks her up when Sun reveals to be pregnant. End of Flash!
island: the beach and Frank Miles playing cards (apparently Miles is winning xD) and Ilana Ben complains to the fact that Richard is not coming back when she still believes it is. Sun, who was listening to the two seems to be angry and in his famous garden that was made when they were shipwrecked on the island (after the crash of Flight 815) Jack follows her and tries to speak, but she insists that him to go away and Jack obeyed. Sun, however, has no peace because now she was visited by Non-Locke tells Jin Cha found and wants her to be with him! But Sun does not believe him and run away, but running away from the non-Locke bangs his head against a branch and passes out.
In the group of Non-Locke before it went to visit Sun, he speaks a little 'with all first with Sayid, who tells him not to feel the passion anymore, nor ugly nor bad, then that's Jin tells of the candidates and the names written on the cave and tells him that Sun will finally and Claire feels that the speech given to Jin and asked if there was also written his name, but that's responsible for not, so Claire and then reply saying that he really did not need her, and Locke says it is not real need, as it needs to Kate even when his name was, at least not more and says that Kate used to recover the other three candidates that are missing!
Non-Then Locke goes to see Jin and Sun took advantage of his absence, decides to run away, Sawyer tries to restrain him, but Widmore's men shoot him sleeping pills and kidnap him Jin. Back
the Non-Locke, Sayid and then wake up everyone else affected by the incident and calls for sleeping pills, then he notices that there's so sends Jin Sayid on a mission on the other island (sends him to swim by the way). Sawyer asks him where he sent Sayid and the Non-Locke replied that sent him to discover what's in the locked room inside the submarine which Sawyer himself had spoken. The Non-Locke goes on the island of Hydra station and has a nice discussion with Widmore (who seems to know who is behind Locke). Locke tells him the following words: "A wise man once said that a war would break out on the island, well that war is about to begin" (non-Locke refers to the words of truth spoken to Widmore Locke episode last season 5x07). Jin wakes up in room 23 (the one where Karl Alex's boyfriend was locked up in the third season). Try to escape, but Zoey meets who asks him about the Dharma, Jin does not answer and tells him that Widmore wants to talk to and she says that Widmore wants to talk to him. The two meet, but before Widmore tells Zoey to go get the package from sottomatino (hence the title) and she obeys. Then Widmore from a camera to Jin who says he found inside the flight Ajira 316! Inside there are photographs of Sun and her daughter Ji Yeon (Sun of the camera). Then Widmore tells him that he should stay away from Non-Locke and will do everything possible to stop it because If all this escapes the island would cease to exist. Jin asks how can stop Widmore and tells him that it's time to see Jin package. Jin's question: "What?" Widmore and tells him: "Not a thing, but a who."
Ben Sun is unconscious after the hit on the head and wakes up and this is no longer able to speak English, but seems to understand it. Ben her back to the beach. Ilana Ben believed to have been impressed with her and complaining that he gets angry Ilana did not believe him ever. Sun said in Korean that was Locke and somehow understand it. Jack's visit saying it might be Aphasia and that is a temporary thing and Frank Miles also have some banter. Then comes accompanied by Richard Hurley tells everyone that Locke must stop and then have to leave the beach, but Sun rebels understand why no one speaks Korean and he storms out. Hurley makes his little joke: "Well I guess she is not with us"
Jack goes there to talk to says it can try to communicate with their writing and provide him with a pen and a small book to write! Then she apologizes about his behavior before and tells him that what he said Locke. He asks if he believes Locke writes, and she is not. Then ask him if he believes in and she nods her head, then Jack tells her that will lead to Jin and that will take them off the island!
The scene switches to another of the Submariner and Zoey pulling out of a person submarine, which apparently does not stand up. Sayid is in the water and watch the scene. At one point, Zoey and the other can not stand this man and falls on the dock where the submarine with the head turned toward the water and from Sayid who was with half bust out. E 'Desmond (SIIIIIIIIIIII CAZZOOOOO FINALLY) and regains consciousness and looks at him and Sayid Sayid looks just as surprised as him. Then he seems to realize that he is back on the island at the end Zoey and the other to lift him up and the episode ends with one of the two which says: "Let's go Mr. Hume" (we mr.Hume).
Ps Desmond is the package! And in this episode you will see all those actors including Desmond in his mini scene. Kate has a mini-scene with Sawyer at the beginning of the episode.
THE NEXT! The episode will be about Desmond and look forward to responses on him!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Find Ikea Bulbs At Home Depot
A masterpiece! Simply is a Lost episode which goes totally in the process of "closing" or "reply".
The bet is on Richard and consequently being a newcomer in the cast we have in place of its Flashback Flash Sideways! (Finally!)
As usual distinction from the Flash on the island!
In FLASHBACK we are in the Canary Islands of 1800 or better, and we have Richard "Ricardo" (yes also has English roots in Lost) who wants to cure his wife who seems to be the point of death, and then goes in search of a Doctor! Unfortunately, the nearest doctor lives in half a day from the house of Richard is forced to ride towards the house doctor for the alleged under a rain of hell. Richard arrived at the doctor asks if he can help his wife, but he says that the rain would not go anywhere, but adds that it has a medicine that can save the life of his wife. Richard, however, seems to be a poor farmer and has no money to buy medicine so the two fight and the doctor unwittingly Richard pushes against a table where you bang your head and dies. All this happens under the eyes of the servant of the doctor who looks incredulous Richard, it steals the medicine and runs off riding home. Returning to find his wife's body, lying lifeless on his bed, Richard had arrived too late and also is immediately arrested for the murder. The bump in the cell and it was here that his father had come to admit it turns out that Richard was learning English with his wife because the two wanted to emigrate in America, the father also tells him that he can not forgive him because Richard is about to be hanged for what he did, but the next day the father is a person who can help him a captain of a ship the "Black Rock" and this was looking for people who speak English as Richard and his crew escape his death sentence on the basis of a slave ship. The Black Rock
belongs to Magnus Hanso (Hanso Halvar is the grandfather of the man who founded the Dharma Initiative) Richard was still chained together with all other slaves in the ship (or rather let us say Galleon is rather large). Now a storm swept them away as happened with Desmond and his boat and they end up on the island, but this was not a minor storm in fact a huge wave (we could also say Tsunami) above with the galleon is over at the statue (the one Jacob where he lives) and so you answer a ver big issues of the island ... the statue is broken after this! The Black Rock
finally ends inside the island and all the crew members do not have time to recover from the shock of the sinking, in fact, all believed to be in hell, however, the black monster gets rid of all let alone live Richard in chains. Richard trial in every way to get rid from captivity and passes whole days trying to break the chains in vain until one day someone check to free him, someone we've already seen the end of the fifth season! Oh yes! It is proper to man dressed in black who talked with Jacob, the man who hides under the guise of John Locke! This one, however, frees him to Richard in exchange for asking but something tells him that it would deliver only on condition that Richard would have done every order of this man in black! (Just call him Man In Black xDDDDD)
Richard nods and now this makes a promise (before I said the famous phrase: "It's good to see you free from the chains") promises that would have restored back Isabelle (the wife of Richard), but first had to do something for him, kill Jacob because Jacob is still alive if he is not free to do anything. But this man tells him about Jacob, but Jacob called him called him "Devil" or the devil because he knows that Richard was convinced of being in hell and it adds that killing the devil is the only way to escape from hell (but it is only used). So give him the same dagger that Dogen had given to the Non-Sayid to kill Locke and tells him the same things that he had just stick the dagger in the heart and should not leave speak otherwise would be too late. The man in black
promises in exchange for his help to revive Isabelle Richard obeys so goes the statue was left alone in the foot and the various fragments scattered around and try to stab Jacob, but the latter ( to my surprise) is violent and massacring literally, then asked Richard if he was a man dressed in black to ask him to do this. Richardo obviously nods Jacob starts talking to him and tells him that he is not the devil and that the island is not hell (as Richard was convinced) that he had brought his ship on the island. Richard asked why and he explains that people on the island because the second door and that his "friend" in black man sins by nature, and there is good in itself, so Jacob wants to prove them wrong by bringing people right on the island.
also adds that the island is a cap, a cap to keep the black man away from the outside world because otherwise the evil would spread (Jacob shows us a beautiful metaphor of a glass bulb filled with wine from a closed cap so that the liquid inside does not come out)
Richard asks why he does not say directly to the people what they do and Jacob says that would not make sense is something that everyone must understand if we offer this task to Richard or to help people who Jacob port on the island. Isabelle Richard agrees, but asks in return, Jacob says he can not resurrect it then Richard says he wants to live forever and jacob replied that this can and does do the famous "touch". At the end
Richard back in black man who understands just how things went and told Richard that his offer will remain valid against him.
island of this: Those who had left the beach in episode 6x07 is gathered in a back fire and Ilana reveals to all its task and candidates, and then adds that Jacob had asked to be led by Richard because he knows what to do. But Richard comes out of my mind tells everyone that Jacob mind and that the island is hell and runs away.
Richard got up to the crucifix that he had buried his wife on the island when he arrived and then turns around screaming and yelling saying that the wind had changed his mind and wanted to meet the supply (referring to non-lock) and wants join him, but then saw Hurley (followed him) telling him that his wife is difianco him. Here are scenes where the Ghost Wishperer Hurley is the link to Richard on behalf of his wife and then suddenly it seems that Richard is able to hear and we have a touching love scene. Suddenly she disappears and Hurley who attended the scene said: "Isabelle told me to tell you that you must stop the man in black. You do not have it go off the island. " Thus ends the episode.
You see: Kate, Sawyer, Jin, Claire, Sayid and Desmond (Locke is seen in a small stage.)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What Do You Do For A A Pinstroke
I had to post it yesterday but I had a setback, however, already know everything (well almost live journal to use spoiler and make summaries of which are only lost two people, but I enjoy writing so).
begin to talk about distinguishing between flash-sideways from the island.
SIDEWAYS IN FLASH: we have the usual Sawyer, single man and destroyed by what has happened to his parents, always a liar and playboy! But this time he is not even a crook can say it's the opposite! In this reality we Detective James Ford (Sawyer) and his partner Miles Straume (I believe to be the coolest cops in the world because they laugh too xDDDDDDD). However, Flash does not happen in these almost anything interesting, they are focused on the confidence of two colleagues, in fact Miles Sawyer mind several times about the mind also tells him that Flight 815 did not was in Australia until it reveals all ... Sawyer is following a track, wants to kill the man who caused the death of his parents, this man is Antony Cooper (father of John Locke remember ?) and apparently lives in Australia!
A nice note to remember is that this episode in Flash and well see you in Charlotte say that she and Sawyer have an intimate moment moooooolto (you've got it! XDD)
ISLAND: We have much more interesting than the continuous that we had left behind in the episode 6x06-Sundown. First Sawyer is with Jin Claire's tent (the same one where he edited the wound of Jin in "The Substitute "), the two exchanged two or three beats, then leads the group with the Non-Locke fled from the temple! (So a little 'Others, Cindy, Claire, Kate and Sayid)
Sawyer and then rejoin the Non-Locke speaks to everyone saying that everyone knows I'm tired and everyone wants answers, but first must all sweat a little 'and then tell you all! This still leaves a moment of rest for everyone, but Cindy interrupts him and asks him what happened to all those who were at the temple and he says that the black smoke killed them. So Kate takes advantage of the break to talk with both Sawyer, Sayid is with asking both things very similar to the first asks him why he's on the side of not-Locke and tells him that he is not on anyone's part. The second asks whether you trust the Non-Locke, and this satisfies you! Then Kate asks if Sayid is good and the answers no, but she did not have time to ask why that Claire now extends to the floor and tries to stab, seek help from Kate and Sayid calls him, but it remains there ; to watch with a cynical eye (I begin to hate him to death!). Kate tries to defend himself shocked by what Claire is trying to do, but then fall on the Non-Claire Locke that takes weight and move it (it was great as he lifted a bag and has thrown light go! I do not know whether it is strong or Terry O'Quinn Emilie deRavin that does not weigh a shit! xDDD) But Claire gets up goes mad against the fake and Locke begins to tell Kate that she was referring to Aaron and he took that were not others to take, so the not-Locke tries to calm her down telling her that Kate has made the right thing and did it only because Claire was gone, but it freaks out and becomes uncontrollable as the non-Locke slaps and she falls silent, then turns and walks away. Immediately after the Non-Locke turns around and asks Kate how he is, but she replied in tears that he is not at all well so let go and follow Claire. In Meanwhile, the Non-quest'accaduto before Locke had given a mission to Sawyer that he almost sent out on patrol on the other island to see if there were still passengers on the flight Ajira 316 (hence the title of the episode "Recon"). However, Sawyer asks why he saved the people from the temple and the Non-Locke tells him that in fact he is black smoke, but Sawyer does not seem to believe him and went anyway on the other island and passes through the old Hydra station (where you see the cages where they had been locked up him and Kate) and then arrive in front of the plane, but can not find anyone belonging to a bit 'of abandoned canfrusaglie on the beach here and there, but then suddenly felt a strange smell and went to check! Just arrive at the site can see all the bodies of passengers of the flight crowded and lifeless, then hears noises and sees a woman who is running away, so Sawyer takes the gun and began to chase ordered to stop, but this does not give up so ; Sawyer is a step and stops suddenly putting it on the ground and first appearance of the woman is misleading (it was all sweet with big glasses to Arisa Sanremo) tells her that this is the only survivor of the flight and that when the other passengers were killed she was collecting firewood away. The two present, she is called Zoe, but now Sawyer asks if this is his real name because he says he knows he's lying about everything, and this attitude is changing now ringing out from some bushes and leap out of the guys armed Sawyer say to follow them. These guys bring him on another side of the beach where there is the bridge to the submarine and get it up in saying that their leader was waiting for him. Inside the submarine
Sawyer is always taken from inside a cabin where Zoe is that Widmore is presented to Sawyer. This asks if he knows him and Sawyer tells him he knows who he is and he remembers that not long ago had sent a group of mercenaries on the island to kill all those who were there, but Widmore says that unfortunately it is not that's just what have you believe, then asks him who sent him and Sawyer tells him that Locke sent him, but Charles says with an aggressive tone: "Locke is dead." Sawyer and "Let's go! We both know that the person we are talking about is not really Locke, "Charles nods then the two begin to talk about why Locke wanted to go out on patrol Sawyer and Sawyer tells Locke adds that the presence of Widmore But if the island Widmore promise that will do nothing to his companions and even give him the green light off the island! Widmore says he is fine and the two make the deal.
Meanwhile Kate Locke reaches that continues to cry and he apologized, saying he's sorry and he knows that everything will work out between her and Claire soon! Then he explains that the fault of the reaction is totally Claire's why he told Claire that Aaron had taken the other, but he justifies why he did it for Claire to do it was to go on living tell a lie to give her a reason to hate someone and still groped to recover Aaron thought it was still on the island!
Kate tells him it's a smart move for the dead, he smiles and says he wants to take away all the island and which also takes the life of Kate and she intends to leave the island with Claire!
Kate tells him again and asks him where he sent Sawyer, he still smiles, holding out a hand and says, "I'll show you!" Kate followed behind him, the Non-Locke the door on a piece of the main island of Costa where you see the other island and said that Sawyer and Kate is now being asked why there had to show him why it was not enough just to tell him and he says: "Before you Parliament thinks that I am dead, but it is not "and we finally have a bit 'of enlightenment about the past of the man behind the appearance of Locke.
This explains to Kate that he has had a very difficult and that his mother was crazy, completely crazy and still is trying to free himself from some of his past problems related to his mother. Kate interrupts him: "Why are you telling me this?" And he replied: "Why now Claire is mad!"
Sawyer Finally back on the main island and is found Not that the front-Locke asks him what he found and Sawyer tells him everything, etc etc ... Widmore and the Non-Locke thanks him for his loyalty to him and he replied that he does so only for its Agreement and promise to make it go off the island.
The last scene we have between Sawyer and Kate and this reaffirms that he is not on the side of Locke and that he has a plan. He wants Widmore Locke and the Non-massacrino each other so that he can take advantage of it and take the submarine with all the other off the island! And so ends the eighth episode Recon.
By now there are only 10 episodes to the final! In addition, the next is on Richard and apparently in this episode reveal things the Island!
Well, as usual, I give you a list of actors who do no longer a spoiler!
Richard, Hugo, Jack, Ben, Frank, Ilana, Sun and Desmond (as it continues to appear now it is certain that the episode in his riavremo then that is the 6x11-Happily Ever After)
spoiler instead relates more closely the fate of the characters according to very reliable sources (and I tend to emphasize "very" because it is 3 years from that site has never said shit) anyway This source 8 Major Characters in a list of 14 we will leave before the episode 6x17 which is the second part of the finale (8 of these deaths are all provided on the island).
Here I tell you the following names:
I'm basically all the characters except Kate, Jack and Locke then we will have them until the end!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Easiest Credit Card To Get
Also updated the collection Snuff with the third flash fic: It Took The death of hope to let you go !
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Free Uncensored Kates Playground
Entered the third part, which you can find here or
Enjoy it!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mustafa Gold Rate Today
Well in the last episode we were left with Ilana Frank, Miles and Sun who fled from the temple and the monster, well this episode opens with Ben that Sayid flees after seeing bloody (because he killed Lennon and Dogen), oh well in somehow manages to join the group of Ilana and tell them what he did to Sayid Dogen.
It has been a flash-Sidaways where Ben has been lecturing to a class (to be precisi la lezione era su Napoleone ed il suo esilio ahaahahah è interessante perchè la scelta non è casuale perchè come Ben Napoleone era un grande leader che poi venne esiliato).
Sull'isola Ilana decide di tornare alla spiaggia, ma prima vuole andare più a fondo sulla morte di Jacob e vuole sapere chi lo ha ucciso perciò da le ceneri di Jacob a Miles e gli chiede di usare i suoi poteri per riuscire a carpire i suoi ultimi pensieri! Miles rivela a tutti che è stato Linus ad ucciderlo e quest'ultimo cerca di smentire con le sue solite macchinazioni.
Nei Flash abbiamo invece un Dottor Linus che si lamenta dell'inaffidabilità del Dean with his other colleagues / teachers (including Dr.Artz Locke and the substitute). Ben is going to take the post of Dean for improving the school.
Come home and see his father Ben was old and with a strange device that uses breathing tube connected to the nose, it reveals something great because they will say: "I am sorry that we went on that ' island and that we have taken part in the dharma. I wanted the best for you. "Now the doorbell rings and Ben runs to open the door. E 'Alex is not Ben's daughter in this situation, but his best student and asks Ben to help her prepare for examination of entry to Yal. Welcome.
island group Ilana back to the beach and not a truce Ben says that Jacob was like a father to her and forced him by pointing a gun and tying him to a tree a foot to dig his grave close to the other. In essence Ilana wants him dead. Then the ball goes to Jack and Hurley who are returning from the lighthouse and want to return to the temple, but do not know the road Jack, or rather think that the temple is located on one side and by Hurley another and suddenly comes out that Richard said he knew the road and then follow it. The two follow him, but this brings us to the temple, but the Black Rock! (Yes finally sees what the fuck galleon not seen the third season!). Richard Jacob says to the two that made him a gift and that's why he just does not age and can not die, because Jacob had "touched" (er is not alone as we know it xD) , however, explains that Jacob had a great plan for him, but now that Richard is dead live again is unnecessary and that Jack and Hurley want to kill him because he can not commit suicide because of the touch. They enter the Black Rock and Richard take the sticks of dynamite and a fuse so long to give time to Hugo and Jack run away. Hugo does not want to participate in this and in fact Jack tells him to leave and that will remain with Richard because he's not going nowhere. Hugo is hesitant as Jack and then Jack said connecting the fuse and light it, then sits in front of Richard and tells him: "We need to talk." (Following the best scene of the whole episode, great esteem JACK)
Jack explains to Richard that it was a lighthouse, "the beacon of Jacob and that Jacob went there because he wanted Jack to know that he has always observed, that he wanted Jack saw in the mirror therefore say to Richard: "Let's see if Jacob had this plan for us then not die, "Richard is in disbelief, while Jack is still convinced that he's not going nowhere and in fact it is so when the fuse is to bring the dynamite goes off suddenly.
Then Richard asks: "Now what do we do?" And Jack "back where it all began" (the beach xD)
In Flash is helping Ben Alex, but you still need a recommendation to move the 'examination and the only one who can help is the principal of the school, but this tells Ben that the principal has a relationship with the school nurse because surprised them knowing in nursing! So Ben convinces the Dr.Artz to enter the email in your nurse to see if the item was founded and then exploit the situation. Ben 30 grim email confirming this report. Now runs the principal's office and tells him that blackmail will not say any of this if he will resign and leave the place, but the principal shows an email received from Alex asking for a recommendation to Yale and as the principal threat to ruin the entry of Alex and Ben is fired at Yale, but Alex will have his recommendation! Ben
island continues to dig his grave and try to bribe Miles those offering $ 3.2 million he had requested in its fourth season, but Miles says he has found something better, indicating the graves of Nikki and Paulo. Ilana suddenly shoots down next to Ben and to dig deep, but once you hear the sound of black smoke and usually appears in the Non-Locke says that what he is doing and that is recruiting people to leave the island and wants to If Ben wants more than what they promised or told him that after all leave the island he can be the boss, but Ben tells him that is tied to a tree and can not escape and the Non-Locke's notes which in reality is not so, In fact, his foot is free, also adds that he left a gun in the jungle right in front of him and that will reach the station on the island Hydra secondary. Ilana Ben looks at this and then fled into the jungle after him but finds the gun pointed in my face that no-Locke had left the jungle. Ben hesitates and does not want to kill her, says he knows how he feels and tells him that he was confused when he killed Jacob and his fault that his daughter Alex died before his eyes even had a chance to save her, but he chose the island in the name of Jacob instead of her and that Jacob never cared! (It was a really touching scene Michael Emerson Ben good to interpret)
Ilana asks him what he wants and then tells him to let him go from not-Locke because he wants with it, but Ilana says that she wants with it and so he turns and Ben first came back to camp and watched her go and then again in tears following!
Ben now feels more than one of them and helps Sun to fix the beach huts, and suddenly there's Jack, and Richard Hugo, but the episode ends with a great plot twist a submarine is directed towards the 'island and within it there is Charles Widmore! In this episode
missing: Sayid, Claire, Jin, Sawyer, Kate and continues to appear title, actor Desmond, but no trace of him!
the next episode is dedicated to Sawyer and that will be called RECON!
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Cara Oriana,
il tuo cognome non poteva essere una più acuta profezia: Fallaci non sei solo tu, ma anche tutti quelli che da quando sono usciti i tuoi libri scandalo sull’Islam ti tacciano d’inciviltà, fascism and so on and so forth.
I saw a video on YouTube in which Guzzanti make you an imitation so heavy, foul-mouthed and vulgar that I do not have known how to explain, but unfortunately I know you've had time to see it too. Mind you, the brothers prefer to Corrado, but even if she does not make me crazy to be a person smart enough and sensitive.
Moreover, certainly better than I know that the human desire for a scapegoat is one of those things that will never die. People often do not manage their own free will with clarity: it is sometimes easier to give him to someone trying to fully understand his reasons, and this makes it extremely as well as those who are attacking. Do you know something, right ...?
However, I do not think your reaction was unjustified. Just because you have seen and experienced firsthand the devastating effects of a war, now I understand you fear that a certain kind of political fundamentalism / religious conflict could lead to yet another world-wide, even more absurd and tragic.
Someone pointed out that you have openly sided with the U.S. , celebrating an excessive patriotism and sense of justice, in fact, also according to me you were a little hasty. In my opinion you should not even use this name, America, to define a land that should have names in the North Indian (Native American Indian languages, the ones left), and the center and south, respectively, in Nahuatl and Quechua.
The "Americans", that we Europeans, mainly British and Iberian, we have taken away millions of indigenous people and their world by force, and now happens to the U.S. is by far the nation's paranoia about alleged alien attacks and / or disasters and / or organized terrorism. Are you afraid to bring you off the ground, hmmm? I would say. Do not you remember that the same land are taken by force, with guns and the cavalry? Not to mention the epidemics that decimated the native helpless (but in that they too are taken a gruesome revenge: I think the syphilis we have donated with joy).
You had a nice little saying of Jefferson and Franklin and their huge idealism, but be objective: the first three and a half centuries Cortés had massacre of those who really had to assert its independence, and I do not remember anyone ever . As for North America, native Indians decimated by dint of alcohol and beautiful promises are still one of those people who have no voice, even worse than our Chechens. Not to mention the slave blacks, historical pretext for the Civil War , released with great fanfare just to be sacrificed.
No, definitely not we, dear Oriana. The Americans usurpers have only proven to be the order of 700 adolescent children of Europe: they have tried to create a world where the Enlightenment triumphed, but has only triumphed in its blind conceit.
You can not be idealists on the skin of others. You can not celebrating democracy imposing it elsewhere, you can not standardize everything to himself, or eliminate those who does not comply.
You first should know that you can not execute in the name of justice.
Anyway, Oriana, what's done is done, and you're not sure which kind you are to speak. Sure, it's hard. It's hard to admit that we live in a world weary, scared and very disillusioned, where no nation can be said of other less dirty. Even the Norwegians are guilty of atrocities environment (I'm referring of course to the question of whales), so even the happy island Scandinavian entirely blameless.
It makes it hard to juggle the pitfalls of religious fanaticism and the Science of the Almighty, that poor girl, I understand, wants to be the flagship of a new "secular faith" in human rationality, a kind of post-Enlightenment humanism, but this is pretentious and utopian, we are still far from a conscious and co no knowledge of us and the world that can be said at least basic, and strive to be objective to the nth degree is not always the best method.
The comforting thing is that I think we're still on track, but only because we know that the track is never the extreme, one that excludes all others, the road branches off to follow unpredictably, sometimes inaccessible at times flat, sometimes with a view to isolatissima times, and certainly we will never know where it will lead: to the last point I think we are all in agreement.
Finally, Oriana, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry you suffered so much in your life. I'm sorry that the price paid to give us the words so dense as those describing A man has been so high for you. I regret that today there are those who t'insulta, who angry with your anger, because you have the right to be angry and not sure if it says I need: there are weights in the long run the split back, there are burdens which gradually devour the soul.
Your anger should not therefore be the flag of your blind nor idolaters nor the Left banner of your detractors, your anger is yours and that's it, and everyone who has read a manifesto that ends in some macabre -ism show not to be different from that which rejects and condemns you.
However, I imagine that you will agree with my words. You wanted to take sides, judge, take the law with the blade of the words. Yet I believe that deep down you We know that, as Gandhi said, by dint of an eye for an eye the world will become blind.
I do not think that a woman devoted to research, knowledge and encounter the other is willing to pay so dearly for a personal vendetta though understandable. The global blindness, not knowing where we're going, so this would be irreparable, and you know it.
For what it's worth, you have all my respect and my respect and deep admiration for your communication skills and ultimately literary. I would love to meet you, I would like to hear, still interested in you when I could have a direct feedback. I did not, and now I regret it.
wonder if you regret something you are, something you've written or that you did. In my opinion, did you leave regrets after on purpose, so do not be tempted to confess. It would be up to you.
Goodbye, Oriana, I leave you to your duties, if you are still somewhere else, you will surely find something to tell, and above all someone to tell it. Hasta la última palabra
, siempre.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Men Wearing Women's Underwear Images
I ask with genuine curiosity because teachers feel compelled today to make specific about his sexual tastes. And it's pretty ... curious again, that the above considerations are generally made to refute those opposed.
Caravaggio was an artist and an artist of true : OBVIOUS that he loved human beings. All . He loved them, watched them, craved them, captured them and celebrate them for what they were: body, soul. So why are debating, even briefly, on what and how many and how credible sources more or less at his sexual orientation?
was not Casanova or Sade, or Dominique Aury. He was a painter with an extraordinary feeling that she has done a unique style of his talent, despite its founder. And then we give peace to his bed of intrigue that so we'll never know and never will be essential to know how the enjoyed. The important thing is to know - see ! - Who did it in one way or another.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Will Folligen Grow Hair
Here we are Wednesday and there is a new episode of Lost and a new summary on my part.
just start by talking about the Sideways Fash-Sayid that I found rather boring and then get to what happened on the island. In
flash Sayid arrives in Los Angeles and runs from Nadia who is inexplicably married to the brother of Sayid and has two children (but apparently still loves Nadia Sayid). However, the brother has problems with the work in that it has asked for a loan, a bank loan but a loan to a person, a mobster (who later proves Keamy, the mercenary who was hired by Widmore in the 4th season). The brother asks Sayid to torture them so they'll leave in peace, but Sayid tells him that has changed and is no longer the kind of person and then say to the brother of fending for himself, but is attacked and ends up in hospital serious condition.
Sayid does not go looking for this mob, but somehow they come to take him to the house of his brother and led him into a kind of kitchen where you can find Keamy (ah, there is also another mercenary Omar), however, for both ends badly because they try to convince Sayid to pay for his brother with the bad, but it kills them all and after killing them in the cell of the kitchen is a Jin evidently beaten and gagged. Fine-Flash Sideways.
island, anything goes. Sayid first is convinced that he was saved from the temple, but Miles said that was not saved by anyone who has been dead for about two hours and woke up when everyone including those of the temple were petrified.
So Sayid decides to go to Dogen and talk to them after it is explained that there is a balance in all of us in the needle can hang or to better or evil and according to Dogen Sayid leans towards evil. The two were beaten and Dogen (who knows martial arts puarissima xDDD) arrives at the point of being able to kill Sayid, but he does not save him and tells him to go away from the temple and never return.
Then Sayid prepares to leave, but Claire suddenly enter into the temple and to Dogen says: "He wants to talk to you" and Dogen replied that he not leave the temple because it would kill HIM if he does. Claire is brought into a pit where they keep the prisoners and Sayid decides to speak again with Dogen and the latter convinced him to go out to the man and stuck a dagger in the heart because it is evil incarnate and why so Sayid can prove to be more inclined to good.
Sayid leaves the temple and while s' walks in the Jungle crosses that Kate says "Sayid did I miss something?" And Sayid "Miles to go inside and ask" So saying, continues its path and when it stops in middle of the jungle to drink a little 'water comes the not-Locke (with the usual background noise of black smoke) and now Sayid stabs him with the knife that Dogen gave him, but that does not die and tells him that Dogen sent him to kill him because he knew that he would not then he died and then he would kill Sayid, but even he did not kill even tells him he can promise anything you want and promises to get back Nadia, but first he has to deliver a message to those of the temple.
Sayid comes back and announces to everyone that Jacob is dead, and then every person on this island is free and there is a person who is leaving the island (referred to Non-Locke) and who will be able to join him and ognungo time until sunset to decide and Cindy (the stewardess of the plane) asks Sayid: "And if we decide to stay?" and Sayid replies, "die."
Meanwhile, Kate has had a chat earlier with Miles explains that the return of Claire (and adds that it is still that chick dick xDDD) and then speaks with Claire telling her as a father who has cared for her and that Aaron has come to take it back home to him! But Claire replied that he will not and you have to worry about him (again the Non-Locke)
While most of the people was to Temple decides to join the Non-Locke and Sayid goes to get away with Dogen return the knife, these two have a chat and Dogen explains that the island is because Jacob has promised salvation in exchange for his son's service on the island, then he notices the sunset and just says, "'the sun" Sayid takes it and throws it in the source (the one that heals the wounds) and drowns. Dogen ç_____ç a horrible death. Now comes Lennon before being brutally killed by Sayid fills him with insults saying that Dogen was the only one that kept him out of the temple. Sayid cuts his throat and the interpreter also died ç_ç
Enter the black smoke and makes a massacre of more or less all of them and Miles and Kate try to escape the latter went to save Claire.
Miles comes across with Ilana Frank, Sun and Ben, know how to escape from the monster (thanks to Ilana), but should recover all So take Ben back to Sayid (do not know what is evil) and sees him sitting on the steps above the source and saw the bodies of Lennon and Dogen and Sayid with his dagger in his hand insaguinato! Ben runs away. Ilana not expect more out of the temple and takes away all.
The episode ends with Sayid, Claire and Kate, unfortunately for them it was not the case with Locke, and all those who joined him from the temple which I assume they head to the beach.
Richard, Hugo, Sawyer and Desmond are not seen. Jack is seen in a mini scene.
the next.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dresses For Homecoming Under $40
The fact is that I am taking a course of Islamic miniature , which is suggesting a series of reflections cultural side.
Recent history - very recent, it is news this morning - reports that Ahmadinejad he had arrested the director Jafar Panahi , that someone like me is not unknown is also known for his dissidence, and with him was taken also the family. Now. Since there are months that this character - the president, not the director - a population intermittently my thoughts in the "global threats", this evening I decided to use my wireless Almost free to try some more information on him.
My basic idea was simple: given some of his statements, and his determination to resort to nuclear weapons (goal, however, met), I began to think that if the universe world he has not yet moved to make him more myths advice, then the reasons are two: he or interests, or fears. (Ok, the reasons are three: interest, fear, both).
Interest has certainly, for the usual trite and oil issues, I suppose, even of its strategic geographical importance: Iran like the heart of the Middle East, and the brother of central Iraq and Afghanistan. Looking at a map of Asia, noted with regret that it is also considerably large, it will be a chance, but is roughly equivalent to the extension of Saudi Arabia.
This leads directly to the second hypothesis: the world turns against him, because this could mean a global Islamic uprising. Islam today is like the rest of Judaism: a solid adhesive that flows in rivers around the world, irrespective of geographical or political boundaries (except that the glue for a quarter of the Jews is gold, even silver. By the (Y) w (HW) ay).
Of course I'm referring to reasons essentially Western China is already busy enough not to defend his human rights, while Putin puppet & if they are crouching in the desert until someone prods their patriotism to the point of justifying a small massacre.
In short, the Americans would put it out against Ahmadinejad, as he did the same with them more than once, proving fierce consistency, and that's what worries me more (and that worries them as well, I guess), because do not fear war, but a jihad.
m'inquieta I said, I repeat, but not contempt. I started writing this post with all the determination of un'Oriana Fallaci pissed off because the doors of its civilization will press another, exasperated, dissatisfied, and (therefore) are generally less prone to the cardinal virtues, but at some point, the arrogance is gone.
Maybe because I can feel any sense of the claims that there always seemed to me there is a madman unleashed. A little 'thanks to the limited information that I found on Wiki, a little' thanks to that I remember Shah-in-Shah , sharp reportage of the great Kapuściński begins to not seem so absurd that someone push for pluck the old privileges of nations that do not always prove to afford it.
Or rather, it seems absurd to me because I would be the victim, but at the same time I realize that if a hundred years, the economic center of gravity / Islamic political will, you will see Ahmadinejad as the greatest hero of the globe, or at least be praised levels of Genghis Khan or Alexander, or Caesar, all commanders and exterminators / subjugation of peoples, because it was able to reverse a Eurocentric world in the name of ancient Middle Eastern ideals restored to duty.
Besides, I'm not surprised that it was re-elected by popular acclaim - always considered more or less obvious illegality of the thing: like it or not, is a strong and determined leadership, and if Iran is still in times Khomeini, that is a country where skilled labor and more resources are physical and geographical spaces in foreign hands, it is obvious that the people indignant. The people living on bread and pride, and does not want the invader as a regular guest.
After all, even at the Prague you can still feel this atmosphere, albeit for different reasons.
Well, I am confused. The current leader of the Persians is just an evil dictator or even a visionary head of state?
I do not know. Now I go home, who are Stanchina. Tomorrow, perhaps, the money shot.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Merilyn Sakova Purple Dress
holy God who periodaccio!
Pleaseeeeeeeeee Wish me luck! >. \u0026lt;
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Free Streaming Old School Tiffany Towers
One Sweet World Satellite
Seek Up
Funny The Way It Is
Don’t Drink the Water
So Damn Lucky
Why I Am
Lying In the Hands of God
When The World Ends
So Much To Say
Anyone Seen The Bridge
Too Much (Fake)
Ants Marching
You and Me
All Along The Watchtower
Baby Blue
Shake Me Like a Monkey
Two Step
Il fatto che continuasse a dire “buongiorno” anziché “buonasera” non era un errore: con un fulgido astro as Dave Matthews on stage you could even forget the time. What in fact have crumbled under the powerful blows of Carter Beauford, the usual host of wonderful band.
The minutes turned into rhythm, the adrenaline rush hours, the time has become a long mix of funk, rock, blues, and so on and so forth - because the DMB does not seem to care labels, deo gratias.
hoarse voice, sounds powerful and bright, the harmony that is created on the stage slowly, and very often close to perfection: the best of Dave Matthews Band is that is that it is a spectacular and ever satisfied with work in progress.
They are the only band I know whose concerts do not seem to be the result of musical training behind closed doors, but yet another practice session brought under the spotlight. Paradoxically, missing only the "boundary" that the true test would be: breaks, speeches and jokes between them, rivers of alcohol. And I must admit that, as far as can be waived on jams and Bacchus - so usually, although it was not the case yesterday, Dave was already drunk before going on stage - some more action from the frontman would not be all bad. But perhaps a bit 'cause he's so on the edge of autism (the proof is his character in that episode of House ), a little 'because they do not know Italian, perhaps the brakes, unfortunately I never heard from the stage of our jackboot those long speeches more or less ridiculous that you leave to go live in some U.S..
But anyway. Seeing them play live is always fierce emotion. My first time was in Lucca , last summer, and I have not written because there are no proofs failed: I did not want, as often happens, the words did fade the memory, which was perfect. So perfect after all that there was nothing to say here. There remained only the indelible sense of pleasure experienced, and the immense satisfaction of having heard him play almost all the pieces in that time made me mad; The Dreaming Tree all. And then there was # 41, with that absolute so refined to shred the heart, and You Might Die Trying , powerful, raw, diluted in half by Tim Reynolds just melts the hearts more tough.
short, Lucca is a fixed star in the firmament of dreams coming true. But the live Padova, setlist for both sound quality (even better than that of Tuscany), could easily become a disk.
Initially, I admit, I was a bit 'disappointed by the opening track: One Sweet World and Satellite , two of the songs Tranquillini of DMB. Belle perhaps to savor in the room, catching nuances of sound and voice, but make sure live without. I could not help but think of indescribable emotion I felt when, in Lucca, attacked with Do not Drink the Water, just like that of Central Park (DDTW then however there have also granted Thursday for luck).
When Dave announced Spaceman was already better, and I sincerely hope that his predictions about the start and finish quietly even quieter not come true. I trembled to begin to dance.
And then, finally, the wonder: Seek Up . It's amazing that two of the DMB live I've heard the crème de la crème of their pieces ... (J) semi-sweet. From there, the magic began to spread through endorphins.
So Damn Lucky was an unexpectedly pleasant interlude: although a bit 'too much falsetto for my liking even though it has an ending poignant, led me to make a slow sentimentalist improvising with my boyfriend. The evening then continued with a crescendo of wonder and adrenaline, which went on to star All along the watchtower, where I cried more than ever after having sung live this summer too (/ me only modest performer musicians in a group that boasts of well-alt (r) or level) I liked to think that Dave had given me the possibility of a duet.
Finally, the wait Shake me like a monkey (not could not did) has given the coup de queue before closing with a flourish Two step, I knew that when DMB was one of my favorite songs absolute: I think I know by heart every single variation of the version in Central Park (if it is still claro, my favorite live together with that of Lucca).
exit, I have taken the whim of a sweatshirt Tarot - forgive me the DMB, but the official merchandise is a drain in disguise - so I could bring wearing their name and spread the word as it should be.
car, I immediately fell asleep, tired as a Bacchante after the orgiastic frenzy. A bed, then, before being fought over and what a romantic embrace of Morpheus, I could say, "But, how nice." And I was not referring only to the evening, but the fact that there is a group able to give me emotions so strong that it has become, now two years ago, the soundtrack of my life.