Sunday, February 28, 2010
Merilyn Sakova Purple Dress
holy God who periodaccio!
Pleaseeeeeeeeee Wish me luck! >. \u0026lt;
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Free Streaming Old School Tiffany Towers
One Sweet World Satellite
Seek Up
Funny The Way It Is
Don’t Drink the Water
So Damn Lucky
Why I Am
Lying In the Hands of God
When The World Ends
So Much To Say
Anyone Seen The Bridge
Too Much (Fake)
Ants Marching
You and Me
All Along The Watchtower
Baby Blue
Shake Me Like a Monkey
Two Step
Il fatto che continuasse a dire “buongiorno” anziché “buonasera” non era un errore: con un fulgido astro as Dave Matthews on stage you could even forget the time. What in fact have crumbled under the powerful blows of Carter Beauford, the usual host of wonderful band.
The minutes turned into rhythm, the adrenaline rush hours, the time has become a long mix of funk, rock, blues, and so on and so forth - because the DMB does not seem to care labels, deo gratias.
hoarse voice, sounds powerful and bright, the harmony that is created on the stage slowly, and very often close to perfection: the best of Dave Matthews Band is that is that it is a spectacular and ever satisfied with work in progress.
They are the only band I know whose concerts do not seem to be the result of musical training behind closed doors, but yet another practice session brought under the spotlight. Paradoxically, missing only the "boundary" that the true test would be: breaks, speeches and jokes between them, rivers of alcohol. And I must admit that, as far as can be waived on jams and Bacchus - so usually, although it was not the case yesterday, Dave was already drunk before going on stage - some more action from the frontman would not be all bad. But perhaps a bit 'cause he's so on the edge of autism (the proof is his character in that episode of House ), a little 'because they do not know Italian, perhaps the brakes, unfortunately I never heard from the stage of our jackboot those long speeches more or less ridiculous that you leave to go live in some U.S..
But anyway. Seeing them play live is always fierce emotion. My first time was in Lucca , last summer, and I have not written because there are no proofs failed: I did not want, as often happens, the words did fade the memory, which was perfect. So perfect after all that there was nothing to say here. There remained only the indelible sense of pleasure experienced, and the immense satisfaction of having heard him play almost all the pieces in that time made me mad; The Dreaming Tree all. And then there was # 41, with that absolute so refined to shred the heart, and You Might Die Trying , powerful, raw, diluted in half by Tim Reynolds just melts the hearts more tough.
short, Lucca is a fixed star in the firmament of dreams coming true. But the live Padova, setlist for both sound quality (even better than that of Tuscany), could easily become a disk.
Initially, I admit, I was a bit 'disappointed by the opening track: One Sweet World and Satellite , two of the songs Tranquillini of DMB. Belle perhaps to savor in the room, catching nuances of sound and voice, but make sure live without. I could not help but think of indescribable emotion I felt when, in Lucca, attacked with Do not Drink the Water, just like that of Central Park (DDTW then however there have also granted Thursday for luck).
When Dave announced Spaceman was already better, and I sincerely hope that his predictions about the start and finish quietly even quieter not come true. I trembled to begin to dance.
And then, finally, the wonder: Seek Up . It's amazing that two of the DMB live I've heard the crème de la crème of their pieces ... (J) semi-sweet. From there, the magic began to spread through endorphins.
So Damn Lucky was an unexpectedly pleasant interlude: although a bit 'too much falsetto for my liking even though it has an ending poignant, led me to make a slow sentimentalist improvising with my boyfriend. The evening then continued with a crescendo of wonder and adrenaline, which went on to star All along the watchtower, where I cried more than ever after having sung live this summer too (/ me only modest performer musicians in a group that boasts of well-alt (r) or level) I liked to think that Dave had given me the possibility of a duet.
Finally, the wait Shake me like a monkey (not could not did) has given the coup de queue before closing with a flourish Two step, I knew that when DMB was one of my favorite songs absolute: I think I know by heart every single variation of the version in Central Park (if it is still claro, my favorite live together with that of Lucca).
exit, I have taken the whim of a sweatshirt Tarot - forgive me the DMB, but the official merchandise is a drain in disguise - so I could bring wearing their name and spread the word as it should be.
car, I immediately fell asleep, tired as a Bacchante after the orgiastic frenzy. A bed, then, before being fought over and what a romantic embrace of Morpheus, I could say, "But, how nice." And I was not referring only to the evening, but the fact that there is a group able to give me emotions so strong that it has become, now two years ago, the soundtrack of my life.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
N Scale Football Field
find the second chapter of " Morty, Shanny and Princy: How it all began " on this link or click
Enjoy it!
Wher To Buy Coocktops
Well it's Wednesday and as every Wednesday here's the summary of the brand new episode of Lost's season finale. (So Dev and Dora are updated xD) Well
the episode opens with the alternate reality and that Jack is getting ready to go to a place (which turned out to be the school's Son! And Jack has a SON in this reality and do not know with whom), however, as he prepares a short talk on the phone with his mother and you notice strange behavior of Jack suddenly does not remember an old scar! After taking David (his son) the two head for home and immediately taken back on the island! Jack speaks with
Dogen (Japanese) which says that Jin, Sawyer and Kate will not return to the temple. Meanwhile, Hurley and Miles playing with the trio leaves! ahahahaha it was a hilarious scene by the way is the only scene of Miles in the whole episode! Hurley finished the game goes into the temple to get food and an appearance by Jacob (not you again and promises to be the last). Jacob says that Hurley has work to do for him and tells him that he needed a pen will write down everything because (among other things on his arm xD). Jacob wants Hugo take with Jack because someone is coming on the island and wants the two of them to help them to get there! (actually, they need only Jack, but Hurley is the only one who can see and talk to Jacob Hurley then acts as an intermediary without his knowledge).
The scenes on the back and alternate reality Jack has a difficult relationship with his son David (and are the same that he had with his father), oh well summarize the whole alternate reality of this episode in a nutshell Jack finds himself the father's will (where there is something for Claire) then go to see the rate of child and meet Dogen (by chance eh xDDD Well, there he is in the alternate reality) that asks a question interesting is the following: "from what he plays his son?" and Jack replied, a bit 'hesitant and uncertain: "I do not know." Apparently Jack does not remember very well his "past" as he did not remember his scar now does not remember how long he plays the son, but oh well finally manages to speak to the child and explain to them that love him and who does not want to be with him as his grandfather (Christian Shepard Jack) tells him that his eyes he will never fail (ie not in the words of my dear grandfather asshole Jack that he viewed it as a failure). And two come home happy and content!
Sayid talks to Jack on the island and discovered that the pill that they wanted to give "others" was actually poison and also discovers that what has happened has happened before with Claire! This saves Jin in the jungle and well ... Claire is totally another person, cold, violent and even able to kill without hesitation! All this because Aaron is looking for! And in fact Jin is forced to lie about Aaron because he realizes that she could kill him!
From here on, the episode begins to get very interesting! Hurley
first to convince Jack to come with him was a discussion Dogen on with telling him which should come out from inside the temple and go to court, but again appears to require that Jacob Hurley to answer Dogen "that he is a candidate and can do what he wants!" Hurley and running to the letter!
Following Hurley and Jack go to a place (a lighthouse from which the episode title!) And the route before they encounter in the cave of the inaugural season (that of Adam and Eve!) In fact Hurley begins to believe that the bodies are actually in their back, and Jack sees the coffin of his father (the one that was wrecked in the first season because there was not inside the body) out of the cave
meet Kate and Claire are looking for does not seem to live at the temple, so Jack asks him to come with them, but Hugo says that the firm should go only two of them and Kate says that there is no problem and goes . At the lighthouse
Jack says: "I do not understand! Because we've never seen before? "And Hurley responds," Maybe because we've never tried! "So come and Hurley stated on his arm that should turn a sort of wheel that activates the beacon to 108 degrees! While Jack does the headlight look in the mirror and begins to see strange reflections in! Before we can see some sort of Pagode (perhaps chorea), then a cathedral! So note that there are numbers on the wheel and each is a name and tells you to move the wheel to 23 degrees where it was written SHEPARD in the mirror and see its home! Her childhood home where he grew up with his father! Even so Hurley can see and Jack realizes that Jacob has always spied on them and it was in this way meant that people on the island! Using the lighthouse! Jack freaks out and breaks the mirror asking repeatedly where Hurley is Jacob! But Hurley does not know Jack as he goes!
Leaving the lighthouse, Jack puts on a cliff watching the ocean and Hurley leans against the wall of the lighthouse and appears New Jacob tells Hugo that anyone is going to get find another way to arrive on the island and it does not matter if the lighthouse is now unusable! We also reveals that Jack needs to understand itself and not just tell it like it is with Hurley and Jacob also says that Jack has to do something! (Do not know what yet).
Finally, the episode ends with Jin and Claire who speak it reveals to us that if someone had cared for him well Aaron she would kill him! (Ouch I know that Kate could!) While talking about the Non-enter the tent of Locke Claire Jin and mistakes him for the true John, but Claire says, "no he's not John! He is My Friend! "And we have this statement on the endnotes of Lost! (But a nice fuck eh? I have to wait another week to find out more xD)
NB: We still have Ian Cusick (Desmond) among the regular cast, but for god is not seen again (what a great regular eh ? xDD)
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof So please do not tell me to see my little Desmond will have to wait his bet (that is 11 °) Tell me that is not so!
Finally: Ben, Richard, Ilana Frank, Sawyer and Sun have not seen in this episode. Until next
beloved Losties! >. \u0026lt;
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lab 1: Diffusion And Osmosis
... the Sanremo festival.
This year I have followed the case for a couple of episodes, and I got an idea of the pieces in the race. This is why I wanted to speak my mind. The questionable
is not so much who won or who lost or who has been put under the spotlight at the expense of other people. The wretched thing is that an orchestra has been angered by the removal of Malika Ayane, who plays so hackneyed a piece of lead so repetitive in the banal, and as an artist Irene Fornaciari, or that the intense voice of Noemi have gone unnoticed compared to the triumph of a pompous brat and his vulgar chorus. What
girls support their idols talent show is quite natural, and all in all I'm becoming less critical in this regard: on the broadcasts as idiotic friends and a little 'less idiotic as X Factor not only went limp as neomelodici Valerio Scanu, indeed. The same Marco Mengoni has an incredible voice, too bad it's just polite - and even fewer will become, if you do insist on singing like a fag to his remedy for hysterical untrained diaphragm.
Perhaps it would be more acceptable to believe that we have talent, instead of realizing that what we are systematically canceled and / or covered up unless you adapt to the characteristics that are distorting their taxes.
As for Savoy, there's nothing to say only that it is disturbing, yet again on everyone's lips.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Mustafa Singapore Gold Rate
'm sick on Saturday, and no signs of flu to go away. So call today to cancel the appointment with the technician of the boiler, which should have come in the afternoon to do the review. He responds with all the 2010 Miss muriatic Scazzi the world, and tells me I can not re-schedule an appointment because if she is now so sick that they can not get no one at home, who tells me when to heal?
Three words: old, frigid and twisted. After a pause of reflection with Cousteau in the depths of human obtuse, I told her that it seemed like a logical consideration, trying to understand them, including a cough and another, that my voice was that of a Nobel Prize than a party you are conversing with Taricone. I had to be veiled : noblesse oblige.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Splenda Sugarless Chocolate Cake
I recently reviewed the bet on Daniel * * indicates that in the picture and I still do not capireeeeee the perchèè!
Tell me how can a person die five years before being born? And above all he was 23 when he died and was not born! Not now sincerely spiegatemelo xD! I swear I am going to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (the two authors of Lost ") and the massacre in blood until I get answers!
Poor Jeremy Davies (actor) victim of those two idiots xD Also, his character was great and apart from a clear resemblance to Yamato was really cool! The rivoglioo indietroooo give me back Daniel Faraday sull'isolaaaa T__T (Unfortunately it will review only in the alternate reality chemmerdata)
But then that horrible death oh my God we do not think I want it! Heeeeeeelp! T_____T
The only thing that comforts me is that in many scenes in this latest season riavremo Daniel / Desmond cariniiii *-* I'm sure that if Desmond had been on the island with Daniel he would not die (that Des was the constant Faraday ç.ç)
PS: If they kill me I swear Des massacre them.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Turquoise Black And White Baptism Reception
Yeah every Wednesday from now on I will write my review of the episode seen (to the delight of Dev xD).
the fourth episode and now we are already triggered the countdown to the end of everything the show (which according to many or at least that ABC is the event of the year xD). Well
say that was a wonderful episode about John! Perhaps the most normal without the addition of mysteries and finally adding these damn answers! It was finally discovered because they are on the island, but we go in order.
The episode opened with a flash sideways Locke, poor thing is still in a wheelchair, but the first thing that catches your eye and can hit all the fans of John is that in this reality in the very first scene we see that he and Helen are finally together and are getting married! Immediately after the separation of Flash, the action moves to the fake John Locke on the island (or the black smoke as you prefer) which has a quite revealing discussion with Richard. Apparently the fake John is recruiting people to leave the island, but Richard says he knows he is going to kill everyone! Also in the debate pretty much asks Richard'm here (I do not know what to call it) because it took the form of John Locke and it is revealed that John was a "candidate" as is Richard but also refuses to follow this new leader and leaves (for the "candidate" I'll explain later). In the flash-sideways
the real Locke was fired and that he meets Hugo pushes her to work in another company where you will find that Rose will help you find a job! It 's interesting because they end up doing the alternate or as he says in the episode "a substitute" (hence the title) into a school where he teaches Benjamin Linus and where the two meet (in this reality for the first time) . Ah Ben is a little curiosity, the teacher of European history on the island finally xD
While the Non-John (let's call it that) first of all recruits and Sawyer thing to note is that you realize immediately that this is not really John, do not tell the fact-John: "I understand why Locke knew that he was afraid even though he said it, but you ... you're not afraid of anything" ;. However he decides to why this is not-John says he can prove why Sawyer is on the island and obviously angry black is eager to answer (can no longer poor after losing Juliet ç. ç) .
Now we have a nice scene where the two have their way while watching a boy / child Not the John-chase through the jungle and just as Sawyer is just telling him to get Richard to come with him because this man is dangerous and says that will kill him like kill everyone, but unfortunately sees the return of the Non-Locke, and then run away again (Richard gets really scared laugh xD). The two continue their journey and we have a good speech, too revealing for this apparently not-Locke's book "Of Mice and Men" published for the first time in 1937 is too recent for him! Well without dragging their feet the two arrive in a cave located on a large rock island where it meets a wall where there are written the names of all those arriving on the island joined by a number (we will see the famous 4,8,15,16,23,42 numbers that were on the wall: Locke, Hugo , Sawyer, Sayid, Jack and Kwon that it is not clear whether Sun or Jin). Sawyer asks what they should mean and the Non-Locke explains that this is the reason why is because the island has been chosen by Jacob to be his successor and then a "CANDIDATE" in protecting the ' island! At this remark Sawyer asks what should be protected from the island and the non-Locke replied that all the irony of this story is the fact that the island must be protected not just from nothing! So tell him that Sawyer has three options: 1) do absolutely nothing and see how it ends , 2) become the new Jacob and "defend the island" 3) go away from ' island with the Non-Locke . Sawyer will choose the third! And so ends the episode.
Now we have to say that you are also seen Frank, Ilana, Sun and Ben who have buried the body of the deceased John Locke (Ben finally confessed to killing him in front of everyone), however, did nothing of that in addition to this they are going to the Temple.
The last thing and then just in the credits of the original cast of actors reads "Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond to speak) which is then part of the regular pity that we do not see three episodes from now! For the rest of Jack, Kate, Miles, Claire and Jin are not seen in this episode.
soon! xDDD
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Shampoo Was In A Purple Sports Bottle
Because somewhere we had even started, right? XDDDD
Rated: Yellow
Categories: Originals> Comedian / Demenziale
Characters: Morty, Princy, Shanny
Genre: Comedy, Demenziale
Type: Long Fic
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 1322
Enjoy it on LQ or
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I Over Extended My Elbow
Well I would start by saying that although I am super super state of confusion and stress in post-qualsiasicosamessalìacasochemistauccidendo I managed to follow my two favorite TV shows (although I saw a little bit late) . And how the heck I could not tell you about it? It 'just that you speak a little balls massacres' of what I've seen (so you do not give a damn ... so you can not read xD) . Finally Lost has started again (and you know that I am absolutely obsessed with) and this will be the final season that bellooooo Oraa *-* *-* I can not wait, oh well it does not Think about it are my usual xD sclera The season premiere was something really indescribable (I saw it with Accipinky and Jonathan as usual), cabbage my little tender and Desmond was on the damn plane * indicates the image of the post * xD What the fuck you doing there? xDDD Then even he knows so many old people (dead) have done their return (CHARLIEEEE) and oh my God it was really too good, she also appeared in a Japanese series that pretends not to know English and is primarily a Fantastic bastard (who wanted to kill Sayid, inter alia, had just died and rose type xD). Finally, to conclude the speech show the fourth season of Heroes has just finished in a decent way I would say (it was already degenerated into total crap).
For the rest I have nothing to say but stupid things like: FLYNN CULOOOH!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hemorrhoids Painkillers
Well yes now I also have a Live Journal *-*