episode 6x05-Lighthouse!
Well it's Wednesday and as every Wednesday here's the summary of the brand new episode of Lost's season finale. (So Dev and Dora are updated xD) Well
the episode opens with the alternate reality and that Jack is getting ready to go to a place (which turned out to be the school's Son! And Jack has a SON in this reality and do not know with whom), however, as he prepares a short talk on the phone with his mother and you notice strange behavior of Jack suddenly does not remember an old scar! After taking David (his son) the two head for home and immediately taken back on the island! Jack speaks with
Dogen (Japanese) which says that Jin, Sawyer and Kate will not return to the temple. Meanwhile, Hurley and Miles playing with the trio leaves! ahahahaha it was a hilarious scene by the way is the only scene of Miles in the whole episode! Hurley finished the game goes into the temple to get food and an appearance by Jacob (not you again and promises to be the last). Jacob says that Hurley has work to do for him and tells him that he needed a pen will write down everything because (among other things on his arm xD). Jacob wants Hugo take with Jack because someone is coming on the island and wants the two of them to help them to get there! (actually, they need only Jack, but Hurley is the only one who can see and talk to Jacob Hurley then acts as an intermediary without his knowledge).
The scenes on the back and alternate reality Jack has a difficult relationship with his son David (and are the same that he had with his father), oh well summarize the whole alternate reality of this episode in a nutshell Jack finds himself the father's will (where there is something for Claire) then go to see the rate of child and meet Dogen (by chance eh xDDD Well, there he is in the alternate reality) that asks a question interesting is the following: "from what he plays his son?" and Jack replied, a bit 'hesitant and uncertain: "I do not know." Apparently Jack does not remember very well his "past" as he did not remember his scar now does not remember how long he plays the son, but oh well finally manages to speak to the child and explain to them that love him and who does not want to be with him as his grandfather (Christian Shepard Jack) tells him that his eyes he will never fail (ie not in the words of my dear grandfather asshole Jack that he viewed it as a failure). And two come home happy and content!
Sayid talks to Jack on the island and discovered that the pill that they wanted to give "others" was actually poison and also discovers that what has happened has happened before with Claire! This saves Jin in the jungle and well ... Claire is totally another person, cold, violent and even able to kill without hesitation! All this because Aaron is looking for! And in fact Jin is forced to lie about Aaron because he realizes that she could kill him!
From here on, the episode begins to get very interesting! Hurley
first to convince Jack to come with him was a discussion Dogen on with telling him which should come out from inside the temple and go to court, but again appears to require that Jacob Hurley to answer Dogen "that he is a candidate and can do what he wants!" Hurley and running to the letter!
Following Hurley and Jack go to a place (a lighthouse from which the episode title!) And the route before they encounter in the cave of the inaugural season (that of Adam and Eve!) In fact Hurley begins to believe that the bodies are actually in their back, and Jack sees the coffin of his father (the one that was wrecked in the first season because there was not inside the body) out of the cave
meet Kate and Claire are looking for does not seem to live at the temple, so Jack asks him to come with them, but Hugo says that the firm should go only two of them and Kate says that there is no problem and goes . At the lighthouse
Jack says: "I do not understand! Because we've never seen before? "And Hurley responds," Maybe because we've never tried! "So come and Hurley stated on his arm that should turn a sort of wheel that activates the beacon to 108 degrees! While Jack does the headlight look in the mirror and begins to see strange reflections in! Before we can see some sort of Pagode (perhaps chorea), then a cathedral! So note that there are numbers on the wheel and each is a name and tells you to move the wheel to 23 degrees where it was written SHEPARD in the mirror and see its home! Her childhood home where he grew up with his father! Even so Hurley can see and Jack realizes that Jacob has always spied on them and it was in this way meant that people on the island! Using the lighthouse! Jack freaks out and breaks the mirror asking repeatedly where Hurley is Jacob! But Hurley does not know Jack as he goes!
Leaving the lighthouse, Jack puts on a cliff watching the ocean and Hurley leans against the wall of the lighthouse and appears New Jacob tells Hugo that anyone is going to get find another way to arrive on the island and it does not matter if the lighthouse is now unusable! We also reveals that Jack needs to understand itself and not just tell it like it is with Hurley and Jacob also says that Jack has to do something! (Do not know what yet).
Finally, the episode ends with Jin and Claire who speak it reveals to us that if someone had cared for him well Aaron she would kill him! (Ouch I know that Kate could!) While talking about the Non-enter the tent of Locke Claire Jin and mistakes him for the true John, but Claire says, "no he's not John! He is My Friend! "And we have this statement on the endnotes of Lost! (But a nice fuck eh? I have to wait another week to find out more xD)
NB: We still have Ian Cusick (Desmond) among the regular cast, but for god is not seen again (what a great regular eh ? xDD)
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof So please do not tell me to see my little Desmond will have to wait his bet (that is 11 °) Tell me that is not so!
Finally: Ben, Richard, Ilana Frank, Sawyer and Sun have not seen in this episode. Until next
beloved Losties! >. \u0026lt;
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