Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dresses For Homecoming Under $40


The fact is that I am taking a course of Islamic miniature , which is suggesting a series of reflections cultural side.
Recent history - very recent, it is news this morning - reports that Ahmadinejad he had arrested the director Jafar Panahi , that someone like me is not unknown is also known for his dissidence, and with him was taken also the family. Now. Since there are months that this character - the president, not the director - a population intermittently my thoughts in the "global threats", this evening I decided to use my wireless Almost free to try some more information on him.
My basic idea was simple: given some of his statements, and his determination to resort to nuclear weapons (goal, however, met), I began to think that if the universe world he has not yet moved to make him more myths advice, then the reasons are two: he or interests, or fears. (Ok, the reasons are three: interest, fear, both).
Interest has certainly, for the usual trite and oil issues, I suppose, even of its strategic geographical importance: Iran like the heart of the Middle East, and the brother of central Iraq and Afghanistan. Looking at a map of Asia, noted with regret that it is also considerably large, it will be a chance, but is roughly equivalent to the extension of Saudi Arabia.
This leads directly to the second hypothesis: the world turns against him, because this could mean a global Islamic uprising. Islam today is like the rest of Judaism: a solid adhesive that flows in rivers around the world, irrespective of geographical or political boundaries (except that the glue for a quarter of the Jews is gold, even silver. By the (Y) w (HW) ay).
Of course I'm referring to reasons essentially Western China is already busy enough not to defend his human rights, while Putin puppet & if they are crouching in the desert until someone prods their patriotism to the point of justifying a small massacre.
In short, the Americans would put it out against Ahmadinejad, as he did the same with them more than once, proving fierce consistency, and that's what worries me more (and that worries them as well, I guess), because do not fear war, but a jihad.
m'inquieta I said, I repeat, but not contempt. I started writing this post with all the determination of un'Oriana Fallaci pissed off because the doors of its civilization will press another, exasperated, dissatisfied, and (therefore) are generally less prone to the cardinal virtues, but at some point, the arrogance is gone.
Maybe because I can feel any sense of the claims that there always seemed to me there is a madman unleashed. A little 'thanks to the limited information that I found on Wiki, a little' thanks to that I remember Shah-in-Shah , sharp reportage of the great Kapuściński begins to not seem so absurd that someone push for pluck the old privileges of nations that do not always prove to afford it.
Or rather, it seems absurd to me because I would be the victim, but at the same time I realize that if a hundred years, the economic center of gravity / Islamic political will, you will see Ahmadinejad as the greatest hero of the globe, or at least be praised levels of Genghis Khan or Alexander, or Caesar, all commanders and exterminators / subjugation of peoples, because it was able to reverse a Eurocentric world in the name of ancient Middle Eastern ideals restored to duty.
Besides, I'm not surprised that it was re-elected by popular acclaim - always considered more or less obvious illegality of the thing: like it or not, is a strong and determined leadership, and if Iran is still in times Khomeini, that is a country where skilled labor and more resources are physical and geographical spaces in foreign hands, it is obvious that the people indignant. The people living on bread and pride, and does not want the invader as a regular guest.
After all, even at the Prague you can still feel this atmosphere, albeit for different reasons.

Well, I am confused. The current leader of the Persians is just an evil dictator or even a visionary head of state?
I do not know. Now I go home, who are Stanchina. Tomorrow, perhaps, the money shot.


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