Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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But do not stop All that jaaaazz Goya

Acabo de ver Goya's Ghosts, Milos Forman's .
I expected something very different from a culebrón remains under pompous, and certainly I expected a film about Goya (Stellan here in the role of Starksgård , bonitissimo actor). In fact, for once, the translators have been right: in the Italian film called Goya's Ghosts , far more appropriate title according to those who really makes the protagonist.
Of course, wanting to be fussy even necessary to say that Bardem equally divided the stage with Natalie Portman , and in fact, often she is to capture all the attention, even if the script is not on his side.
The fact is that, although spectacularly a real tribute to the art of Goya (for both citations for extreme realism - and so abhorrent - which he imbued the whole film), really do not understand very well that pasta is done. It is not a meatloaf to Dumas, it is not an intimate drama, documentary and not a social or, finally, worst of all, not even a good mixture of everything. Too bad, because the cast was all there, and the accuracy spectacular as well. It 's just that lacks overall density: Father Lorenzo shows off his usual shady charm (also supported by an incredible voice), but there is a character up to expectations, while Goya is definitely a human surrogate who never takes a position as you would expect from a star. Against this background the film should be titled Goya's Ghost, pace of the illusions of all. Add
but at least one figure stands out from the trio in precarious support of story, and that is the exclusion of Inés. When aged and defeat is so distressing that every time I saw her smile, I cried. That is, I have a soft spot for Natalie Portman, but besides being a striking beauty also has an undeniable talent, and loves the goal. Even so (realistically) is ugly and smashed both expressive and fragile that you can not believe his pain.
this film if only taught me that I would be a bad lesbian, because the power of feminine tenderness (albeit fake), I always win. Maldita sea.

PS I was joking. About the movie, I mean, because reading is important: the film is a metaphor for botched idealism broken (belief in God and / or social and political progress is simply a means to manipulate the mass) and machismo that has lasted for centuries in the "civilized" societies: Ines is the first daughter, mother and lover and finally denied. Perhaps, who knows, it might essere nonna. Ma è purtroppo ormai più logico pensare che la sua sia sprofondata mind in un'oppiacea Follia really che non permette di collegarsi you alla realtà - e che fa di lei, a tutti gli effetti, a ghost dolce.


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